Saturday, October 6, 2012

I'm Back. Here's Why.

I'm taking another shot at blogging. I want to use the blog to share my own ups and downs (sometimes literally) as I strive to become as healthy as I can. This blog is one form of accountability. I’ll continue to write health care, especially psychological health care, and related cultural, social and political issues. 

A little about me: I'm a psychologist who has worked in hospitals, addiction treatment centers, and private practice for over thirty years. I’m 64. A little over a year ago I had cancer and cardiac scares within the same month. Neither turned out to be true. The experience did convince me of one thing. I did not, under any circumstances, want to be caught up in the jaws of the medical-industrial machine. That cannot always be avoided but sometimes it can. It certainly can be delayed. To do that, I needed to be healthy, not just disease free, healthy.

Since starting this process in September, 2011, my goal has been to take complete ownership of my life physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Eating in a healthy way and exercising are a big part of that process. Thus far, I've seen significant improvement in all areas. I’ve lost 55 pounds, exercise formally five days per week on average and am more active every day. I participate in recovery groups that keep me grounded and accountable. I take the time to meditate and to explore spiritual connections and concerns. I’m much happier and more serene than I have been in years. I'm committed to keeping it up. 

I’m going to write about my experiences along the way. I hope you enjoy the blog and find it helpful. I welcome your comments, ideas, and questions.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Ray. I look forward to your "ruminations"...hopefully to be inspired in my own life.
