I've written about my decision to get healthy, what I did to make it happen, the tools I’ve used, and the obstacles encountered (see links below.) Here's what I've learned.
1. Decide to Get Healthy Despite Your Feelings
2. Act on What You Know, Not on What You Feel
Acknowledge Your Feelings without Judgment.
I feel like eating that candy bar, I feel like staying in bed rather than go to the gym. The feelings are there – but they’re not me.
Acknowledge What You Know.
If I eat the candy, I will not be satisfied for longer than five minutes, I will want more, and the cravings will start. If I stay in bed, I cannot strengthen the habit of exercise and will feel bad later. If I exercise, I will feel good physically and mentally – afterwards.
Given What You Know, Identify Your Need in This Specific Situation.
It’s clear. My need is to stick to my plan and eat nothing or eat something healthy. My need is to go to the gym as planned.
Identify What You Can Do to Meet That Need.
Lots of things. Do a breathing meditation and understand the desire behind the feeling. Drink a large glass of cold water. Put my left foot on the floor, then my right, then get up and get going; don’t second guess, just move.
Take Deliberate, Purposeful Action.
Take action now to meet my needs whether I feel like it or not. It’s the doing of the thing that gets it done.
It’s simple. It isn’t easy. It takes discipline, basically doing what you don’t feel like doing when you don’t feel like doing it. Repetition develops the habit of acting on what you know and need not what you feel or want. It is the single best gift you can give yourself. This foundation skill makes it possible to do everything else.
3. Embrace Your Discomfort
4. Feeling Follows Action
5. Practice, Practice, Practice
6. Treat Problems As Building Blocks, Not Stumbling Blocks
7. Use All The Tools and Don’t Try to Do It Alone.
8. One Bite. One Meal. One Step. One Day at a Time.
Staying in this very moment empowers me. It’s also a lot more manageable than trying to be healthy forever! I don’t know if I can do that. I do know that I am capable of making a healthy choice right now. Staying in the now also is a way of being mindful about the choices I do have. If I am in the present, I pay attention to this bite, this meal, this step, this day. If I am alert and aware, as a friend of mine used to say, I am less likely to take the mindless bite that leads to a binge, more likely to enjoy my meal as it is, less likely to want another helping, and more likely to move my body because I am aware of how good it feels.
9. Persistence. Persistence. Persistence.
Winston Churchill was once asked to address a group of school boys. The legend is that he was feeling a bit under the weather as he was known to be quite fond of whiskey and simply was not up to his usual oratory in these situations. His speech was brief and the message was simple: “Never. Never. Never. Never give up.” I don’t know whether the story is completely accurate but the exhortation is certainly sound. The journey to health - or any other major change - is filled with difficulties, setbacks, and discouragement. So what! The difficulty is resolved, the setbacks are overcome, and the discouragement fades. All that matters is to keep going. That’s what I’ve had to do. That’s what I will continue to do. So, if you haven't yet started, get going. If you’re on your way, stay in the moment and do the next healthy thing. See you at the goal line.
I hope you’ve enjoyed these postings and perhaps benefitted from them. Any feedback, positive or otherwise, is appreciated.